Team Rocket Power Blasting Off Again

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Equally Ash and his friends continue to Blackthorn City, nosotros run into them all the same in the wood looking for a manner out. Ash is still under Lily's Ashachu spell, but soon the spell wears off, Ash becomes human again, and anybody is relieved. Now, however, they nevertheless have a small trouble; they are completely lost in the woods. Of grade, Misty blames it on Ash equally usual and insults him past saying she liked him a whole lot better when he was still a Pikachu. While walking through the woods, Ash and his friends meet up with Jessie, James and Meowth in disguise. They proceed to tell Ash that his Pikachu loses energy considering it's lost and they can recharge it with their new invention, the PikaPower Mach 2. Jessie then rips Pikachu off Ash's shoulder and straps it in and radios to Meowth who swoops down in their airship and takes Pikachu, Jessie, and James into the sky. Jessie and so tells Ash to command Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. But the free energy is absorbed into Team Rocket's machine, which also has the ability to forcibly drain its victims of free energy. Squad Rocket threatens to sap all of Pikachu's ability if Ash doesn't hand over the residuum of his Pokémon, but Ash just tells Pikachu to give all he'south got. Soon enough, Pikachu'south ability overloads the auto and Squad Rocket goes blasting off again. Ash happily catches Pikachu, but the power bleed has left it exhausted. Just then, a daughter named Krystal meets up with Ash and his friends. Brock, of course, falls in love with her at outset sight. Even so, Ash goes on telling her that Pikachu is badly hurt and that there isn't a Pokémon Center for miles around. She offers to help, but asks them to keep a very big secret for her in return, leading them up a large colina. As they walk, the gang notices numerous Electric-type Pokémon climbing up the hill - Krystal tells them that they're all going there for a special reason. When they get to the pinnacle of the hill, they find a large lake, which Krystal claims has magical healing powers; the Electric-types come here to rest and recharge. She so orders Ash to put Pikachu into the water, and the Mouse Pokémon is soon good equally new. Afterward Pikachu is healed, Krystal takes Ash and his friends out to the heart of the lake in a speedboat to show them the hugger-mugger to the lake'due south power. When they look downward from the bottom of the boat, they see what looks similar an underwater temple with a crystal at the lesser. Krystal tells them how the Electric Pokémon have been coming to the lake for years, and how they are healed by the lake's ability. She tells them a fable of how the temple supposedly sank underwater later torrential rains, unaware that Jessie, James, and Meowth are eavesdropping on the conversation... Every bit Ash and his friends hash out how the lake needs to exist kept hugger-mugger and how bad information technology would be if the wrong people got a concur of the crystal, Squad Rocket goes underwater in a mechanical Tentacruel. They retrieve the crystal with petty difficulty, but its light fades out, alerting Ash and his friends that something'southward up. The Team Rocket trio reveal themselves, reciting their motto before floating away in their balloon. As our heroes fume over this occurrence, the Electrical Pokémon start to follow Team Rocket in try to get the crystal back. Ash orders Pikachu to Thunderbolt them, and the other Electric Pokémon join in the attack. However, Squad Rocket sucks in their energy with the new and improved PikaPower Mach Three. Gloating that their new car is better than ever, the villains brainstorm forcibly cartoon free energy from the Electric Pokémon, but black clouds appear in the sky, followed past a mighty screech and a huge bolt of lightning that breaks the circuit between the Electric Pokémon and the machine. As everyone wonders what this means, the sky darkens and the clouds part to reveal the legendary bird Zapdos! Zapdos is extremely aroused, flight towards Squad Rocket to zap their PikaPower Mach III. Nevertheless, even Zapdos loses energy and the heroes first to wonder why it doesn't seem to take much ability in the offset place. Squad Rocket gloats, merely Zapdos unleashes its full power and overloads the PikaPower Mach 3, sending Team Rocket blasting off again. But then Zapdos falls out of the sky to the footing. Still angry and flailing about, it finally faints from weakness - conspicuously, it is in bad shape. Krystal tells the group that this is the real hugger-mugger - Zapdos itself ofttimes visits the lake to recharge itself. Needing the crystal to heal Zapdos, our heroes ready off to find Team Rocket and the crystal. Pikachu senses the crystal is nearby, so they follow it to where Team Rocket had crashed. In an endeavour to proceed the crystal for themselves, Team Rocket sends out Arbok and Victreebel - although James over again has to deal with the latter attempting to eat his head. Jessie orders Arbok to use Poison Sting, only Ash's Pikachu dodges and uses Quick Attack. With Arbok thrown into Jessie by the force of the accident, James orders Victreebel to use Razor Foliage - however, Ash tells Pikachu to use Quick Attack again, striking Victreebel into its Trainer. Ash demands that Team Rocket hand over the crystal, but Jessie instead throws Ash a Wobbuffet balloon, which inflates and bursts. Under cover of the resulting dust tempest, Team Rocket makes a getaway in a new Wobbuffet airship - in response, Ash sends out Bayleef and orders it to employ its Vine Whip. Seeing the crystal being pulled from the balloon, James orders Victreebel to use its Vine Whip to get the crystal back. Every bit the Grass-type-types struggle to break each other'south grip on the crystal, Jessie orders Arbok to use Poison Sting. However, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to blast Squad Rocket off once more, the crystal falling from their grasp. Running to catch the crystal, Ash dives off a cliff with Bayleef using her Vine Whip to catch him just in fourth dimension. With the crystal secure, Ash and his friends return to the lake, where Ash dives underwater and puts it back in its rightful place. He rises to the surface, but the crystal remains night, and then the Electric Pokémon swim over to the crystal and use their Thunder Shock attacks to accuse it up. The group puts the injured Zapdos into the lake, where it sinks to the bottom - however, the crystal stops glowing before it tin heal the Legendary Bird. The Electric Pokémon utilize Thunder Shock on the crystal over again, which helps ability up Zapdos as well. Fully recharged, Zapdos flies out of the water, releasing a mighty Thunderbolt that completely restores the crystal'south glow. With the lake dorsum to normal, Zapdos flies off into the clearing as anybody waves goodbye. Ash and his friends are then shown gear up to leave, promising Krystal that they won't tell anyone nigh the lake or Zapdos. Brock makes a last attempt to woo her, only Misty pulls him away by the ear; thus, the episode ends with everyone waving goodbye to each other.


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